Water Features
Our dedicated team of technicians is here to help make the water feature of your dreams a reality. Our diverse range of capabilities allow us to install features in all sizes including fountains, bubbling rocks, pondless water features and all sizes of ponds. No design is beyond out limits, making it easy for you to get the ornamental water feature that you want.
We offer spring opening and fall closures of existing water features, along with three maintenance programs. If you’d like to enroll in one of our maintenance programs, act quickly because these slots fill up fast!
Two Maintenance Options:
8-Visit Maintenance Plan: Spring opening (April or May), 8 maintenance visits that are approximately during June, July. August, and September, and the winterizing, which is done in October/November.
Minimum Cost: $840
Weekly Maintenance: Receive weekly cleaning visits from opening until mid-December. Weekly clients receive priority on their openings and closings, and if so desire, they can choose the date of their opening and closing dates. The last two weeks of December and the first two weeks of January are omitted.
Minimum Cost: $1625